Antenatal Care:
Routine antenatal follow up includes:
Pregnancy related consultation, urine test, weight and blood pressure check, assessment of foetal heart rate using Doptone (after 12 weeks of gestation)
If you are:
- Less than 28 weeks pregnant, you will need four-weekly check-ups
- More than 28 weeks pregnant, you will need two-weekly check-ups
- More than 32 weeks pregnant you will be referred to the hospital for follow-up
Note: The frequency of visits to the polyclinic may vary depending on the condition of your pregnancy.
*Patients receiving antenatal care at polyclinics will have routine antenatal blood tests.
You will be referred to the hospital for antenatal screening test or any diagnostic tests that are not available in the polyclinic.
To make an appointment, please call us at
6355 3000. Alternatively, you may also schedule an appointment on HealthHub, click here to learn how.
Postnatal Care:
Care after delivery aims to help mother to recover from physical &
emotional changes of childbirth and learn to care for her newborn.
A positive postnatal experience improve both maternal & neonatal
health and well being. At our polyclinics, we provide care and advice on wound care, breast feeding, contraception, healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Do schedule an appointment for postnatal care check up 6 weeks after delivery or earlier as recommended by your obstetrician.
Neonatal Care:
Babies are followed up till one month of age for neonatal jaundice. After the first month, the vaccination and developmental assessment is carried out according to the Child Health Surveillance Programme.
Contraception (Family Planning):
The contraceptive (family planning) methods available in our polyclinics include:
- Oral Contraceptive Pills
- Contraceptive Injections
- Intra-uterine devices (IUD)
Lactation Support:Breastfeeding is a natural way for mothers to nourish their infants,
providing essential nutrients and fostering bonding between
mother and child.
It is recommended by healthcare professionals due to its
numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother, such as
providing antibodies and reducing the risk of certain diseases.
Breastfeeding can be challenging, and we provide support for the
following conditions:
• Breast engorgement
• Plugged ducts
• Sore, cracked, or painful nipples
• Breastmilk supply concerns
• Struggling with breastfeeding positions
• Baby not latching or sucking properly
• Preparation to return workplace
To make an appointment, please call us at
6355 3000. Alternatively, you may schedule an appointment on HealthHub click here to learn how.
Women’s Screening
Mammography Screening:
Early Detection Saves Lives, Saves Breasts.
Breast Cancer is the TOP cancer among women in Singapore. Early detection through regular mammography can save your breasts and your life.
You should go for a mammogram every two years if you are 50 or older.
If you are 40-49, please speak to your doctor about the benefits and limitations of going for a mammogram at this age. If screening is performed, it should be done once a year.
If you are below 40, and have a mother or sister with breast cancer, please consult a doctor for advice.
To make a mammogram appointment, please submit your request via our
Online Mammogram Appointment Form. You may reschedule your appointment via the same link at least 3 working days before your appointment. Call 6275-6443 (6-ASK-NHGD) if you need more information.
Here is what you can do to protect yourself:
If you are already on follow up at a hospital, outpatient clinic or private institution for existing breast disease, please continue the appointments with your current healthcare givers.
If you have breast lumps, discharge, bleeding or pain, please visit your regular doctor immediately.
If you are 30 to 39 years old, and have a mother or sister with breast cancer, please consult a doctor for advice.
How should I prepare for the mammogram?
Schedule your test at least one week after the start of your period
Take a shower before the screening
Do not use any body lotion, perfume, deodorant or powder from the neck to waist area
Remember to bring along your identification card
Inform the radiographer if you suspect yourself to be pregnant
Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit as you will need to undress from the waist up
Remove all jewellery before the screening
Your results will be mailed to you within 4 weeks of your screening date.
Should you need support services or more information, please contact
Breast Cancer Foundation at
6356 0123 or Breast Screen Singapore at
Cervical Cancer Screening:
Cervical cancer screening is an effective way to detect and prevent onset of cervical cancer early.
There are 2 types of Cervical Cancer Screening: Pap test & HPV test.
You do not have to do both of them. The Pap test (Pap smear) is recommended for women between 25 -29 years old as the HPV DNA can pick up quite a fair of false positives in this age group. However, for women who are 30 years and above, the HPV-DNA test is proven to be very effective in detecting abnormalities.
A Pap smear is a screening test to check for changes in the cells of your cervix which may develop into cancer later. It is a simple procedure where cells are collected from your cervix and sent to a laboratory to be examined under a microscope. The collection takes only a few minutes and can be done by a doctor or a nurse.
It is recommended for you to do a Pap smear test once every 3 years. However, if you experience any symptoms, please consult your doctor immediately.
A HPV DNA test will check if the cells collected from your cervix has the DNA (genetic material) of the high risk cancer-causing HPV strains (e.g. 16, 18). The cell samples for this test is collected in the same manner as the Pap smear.
It is recommended for you to do a HPV DNA test once every 5 years. However, if you experience any symptoms, please consult your doctor immediately.
Schedule your appointment 2 weeks after the start of your menstrual period. You may make an appointment on the first day of your period.
Avoid sexual intercourse 48 hours before the test.
Do not use spermicides, vaginal creams, lubricants, vaginal medications or tampons two days before the test.
Please reschedule your appointment if you experience any bleeding/spotting prior to the test.
To make an appointment, please call us at
6355 3000. Alternatively, you may schedule an appointment on HealthHub click here to learn how.