PARTNERING YOU IN YOUR CARE – Patient's Rights and Responsibilities
National Healthcare Group Polyclinics (NHGP) is committed to giving you appropriate, cost-effective and quality medical care and health services in a safe environment.
You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect
You have the right to be treated with respect, dignity and compassion regardless of your race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, beliefs, social status, physical or mental status.
This includes being:
Attended to and cared for with the understanding that medical urgency is prioritized over other conditions. Those who are frail will be taken care of first.
Addressed by your proper name.
You have the right to make Advanced Care Plans (ACP) while you still have the decision-making capacity. We will respect your wishes and preferences to the extent permitted by law and the professional standards.
You may be invited to participate in suitable care programs to improve your health, evaluate your care experience to help us enhance our services, or be shortlisted to participate in relevant research studies to advance our medical care.
Your consent and agreement will be sought if you are eligible for any medical research.
You may withdraw from any research at any time, without affecting how we will be caring for you.
For any ethical concerns about your care, you can approach our staff to access our ethics consultation services where appropriate.
You have the right to know the identities and roles of your healthcare team.
You are entitled to know the identities and any relevant additional information of the healthcare practitioners responsible for your care.
You have the right to privacy and confidentiality of your medical records.
You will be interviewed, examined and treated in an environment that provides reasonable privacy.
Your personal information and medical records, including Electronic Medical Records, will be kept secure and confidential, and in compliance with relevant legislation1. However, when the law needs it, we may need to provide your information to the authorities.
You may obtain a copy of your medical report in accordance with our policies.
Relevant data will be shared with other healthcare providers through trusted information systems2 for referral and continuity of your care.
Please log on to to view NHG's Personal Data Protection Notification.
You have the right to explanation, education and counselling surrounding your medical care.
You will be informed of your medical condition, planned treatment, expected results, information on risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment, and any unanticipated outcomes, in a way that you can understand.
We respect your right to seek a second opinion in relation to your care, and to make informed choice to refuse or discontinue our recommended treatment. In doing so, you accept the responsibility for any medical consequences resulting from your decision.
You have the right to provide compliments and give feedback.
You are welcomed to tell us what we have done well to encourage our healthcare team, and areas we can improve to better our care and services. Please contact our Patient Relations Office at 6496 6767, or write to us at
[email protected].
Alternatively, you may complete a feedback form which is available at our polyclinics. Please note that we reserve the right not to respond to correspondence that contain offensive language or derogatory content.
1 such as the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and the Healthcare Services Act 2020 (HCSA)
2 such as the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) and the Next Generation Electronic Medical Record (NGEMR)
As a patient, you and your family/caregiver play a vital role in helping our healthcare team to provide the care and services you needed.
It is your responsibility to give our healthcare team complete and accurate information.
You are required to: Verify your full name and NRIC when asked by our staff for the purpose of authenticating the right patient to the right medical record.
Provide complete, detailed and accurate information about your health, including present and past conditions, allergies, medications or dietary supplements, hospitalizations, healthcare regimes, and any other health-related matters.
Update us of any changes to your home and mailing addresses, contact numbers, email address and emergency contact person and details.
Inform us if you do not understand matters relating to your condition or treatment, and our staff will address your concerns.
Allow us to retrieve and review your medical records available on trusted national shared electronic medical record systems such as the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) and the Next Generation Electronic Medical Record (NGEMR),
Allow us to share your medical information with other healthcare institutions using the NGEMR for the purposes of continuity of care and treatment.
It is your responsibility to follow the doctor's recommended treatment and care plan for your well-being.
For your well-being, please: Participate actively in your treatment including decisions about your care plan, taking your medicines and keeping your follow-up appointment as scheduled.
Ask questions regarding your health condition or treatment plan so that we can further explain to you.
Inform us of any problems in following the treatment plan.
Take responsibility for any consequences if you refuse medical treatment or skip any test or screening ordered by the doctor.
We hope you respect and show consideration to others.
As your healthcare provider, we seek your help to:
Treat our healthcare staff, other patients and visitors with courtesy and respect.
Keep to your appointment time. If you are unable to do so, please reschedule in advance.
Respect the confidentiality and privacy of other patients.
Be responsible for the safekeeping of your valuables and personal possessions while in our polyclinic.
Treat the polyclinics' property and facilities with due care and responsibility.
We adopt a zero-tolerance policy against abuse and harassment of our healthcare workers and patients in our premises. We reserve the right to take appropriate actions and may refuse elective (non-emergency) care and treatment to individuals who display threatening, intimidating, insulting or disruptive behavior, be it physical or verbal.
Fees and Charges
We seek your understanding to:
Pay your bills promptly.
Clarify with our staff if you do not understand your bill.
If you need further financial assistance, ask to see our Financial Counsellor.
Clinical Training
NHGP is committed to the education and training of healthcare staff including medical/nursing/allied health students and trainees. The competency and professionalism of our healthcare professionals will benefit from your cooperation and in their clinical training.